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Sales is hard. Don't do it alone.

Close more deals with sales coaching and full-service closing services

 You have a customer base that loves your work. You have systems to run your business well. You’ve got everything you need to grow to the next level. Don’t let a lack of sales experience slow your growth. Small Axe Sales fractional sales representative and coaching services are the missing piece to help raise your close rate and scale your business.

Does this sound like you?

“This client is ready to go, but I’ve been waiting for weeks for them to respond to my proposal”

Do you find that all the momentum with certain leads just evaporates after you send a proposal? 

“Every few months I talk to this person who says they’re interested, but nothing ever happens with them”

Do you have great early stage conversations that never seem to convert into sales?

“This lead comes in every so often, asks a bunch of questions, says they'll schedule another call soon and falls off the face of the earth.”

Do you feel like you don't have any influence over if or when a lead will decide to work with you? 

“I thought we had great alignment, but I guess not… 

Do you get ghosted randomly with no clue why or what to do differently next time?

If so, I've got something for you. Keep scrolling!


In the sales industry, there is a tried and true team structure. All sales team's have the same 3 core team members:

Sales Reps




The reps manage the conversations with prospects. The coaches (usually called managers) make sure that the reps have a clear, effective and repeatable sales process and the advisors (usually called Directors) ensure that the team-wide strategy is set and working.

Look at these services like an a la carte menu of the most valuable sales team members. Which team member do you need on your team?


The Coach

This is for:
Business owners who want to build their capacity to manage their pipeline efficiently and effectively. 

Over 3 months, we’ll build you fine-tuned tech systems, human processes, sales scripts, and collateral that will increase your close rate and your sales confidence.

How It Works: 

We’ll break down each aspect of your sales cycle, optimize each section so they flow together seamlessly. Once we’ve developed a new-and-improved sales process, we’ll start on the hard part -closing! During our time setting up the system, you will learn a lot of sales theory. Once we put the new system in place, you'll learn how  that theory is applied in real life opportunities with my support and guidance.


The Sales Rep

This is for:

Business owners with a strong lead pipeline, but a low close rate. Rather than losing leads as you learn to sell, use a professional closer to ensure your close rate stays high.


I'll be your inbound sales representative. Hand off your leads to me and I'll hand them back to you as clients.

How It Works:

You bring the leads, I close the deals! Once someone shows interest in working with you, introduce them to me and I'll take them through the lead nurture, qualification, project scoping and closing process. After they've signed a contract/paid their invoice, I hand them back to you to deliver the excellent product/service your new client is so excited to have.


The Advisor

This is for:

Business owners that have the internal capacity to manage a sales pipeline, but need guidance to do so efficiently and effectively.


This is a la carte coaching to answer any questions you might have. Think of it like sales office hours. Schedule a one off call or recurring calls -whatever works for you!

How It Works:

Each session will be tailored to your business and we'll use this time to develop and practice your consultative sales approach. Topics include (but are not limited to):

- Prospecting strategy

- Discovery
- Objection Handling
- Pricing
- Re-engagement techniques
- Presentations

My name is Brandon and I have a very particular brand of sales that I love.

My brand of sales is about understanding. It's about hearing what a prospect needs, taking an honest look at what I have to offer and communicating how my offer solves my prospect's problem.

With my brand of sales, I'm not "salesy" and I don't pressure prospects, because I don't have to. I've closed over a hundred deals, bringing in nearly $7M in revenue simply by listening and offering relevant solutions.

To me, sales is a fun game where value, communication, timing and so much more all must come together in just the right way to accomplish the goal (closing the deal). Finding that right mix is my favorite thing.

I love my brand of sales and I want to use it to help you bring your valuable product or service to more people.

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