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Sales Process Optimization and Coaching

Everyone’s sales cycle has a variety of layers that build on one another. From highest level to lowest, they are: 

  • Stages

  • Objectives within stages

  • Activities to reach each stage’s objectives

  • Verbal scripts and written content to complete each activity


Small Axe trainings illuminate each layer of your sales cycle.


The number of layers and the depth of detail we delve into is customized for each client. All of the sales training program options are time-bound (between 3 days - 3 months) and range from basic lecture-based courses to an immersive experiential program.​


Choose the level of detail you’d like in your training and let’s get you closing more deals!


3 Levels of Support

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What Everyone's Saying...

Hey, there. My name is Ben Mosior. I run a small business that does leadership development for teams. I help leaders build the skills they need in order to help their teams do strategy work, design, intentional projects, things like that. And before I started working with Brandon, I didn't have a sales process. I just kind of got some leads in the door and then winged it from there. But when I started working with Brandon, we started developing that sales process. We started learning how to cultivate the opportunities, careful questions, finding the ways where we can help the people on the call and helping them see that we can help them and set it all up so that Brandon can help us close. Brandon helped us set up sales slide decks, figure out Personas to sell, to figure out the offering structure, which was huge. I didn't even know how to set that up. He had this whole system for us. We walked through it together. It was great. And what we've come out with the other end with is just certainty about how we're going to run the sales process. And now all I have to do is focused on bringing in those leads that we need, and then the rest of it just kind of handles itself. So. Couldn't have done that without Brandon. And I highly recommend him. If you are on the fence about working with him, I just have to say, just go for it, because Brandon will hold your hand the whole way through the process. He can help you, just like he helped me. All right, that's all I've got to say. Super recommend Brandon Rush and appreciate all the help he's given us in setting up our sales process.

Pame Barba
Org consultant & Leadership coach

Before connecting with Brandon, our business was at a crossroads. Although it had existed for over twenty years, it was doing well, but we had no strategic sales efforts in place and didn't have the resources to hire a dedicated salesperson. We felt stuck. ​Meeting with Brandon was like a breath of fresh air for our business. In our coaching call, he helped us understand how we could leverage what we currently have. He gave us a great strategy for contacting our current contact list. He helped us outline exactly what to say and with what cadence we should contact them. He also helped us identify technology tools that we could use to make this accessible to our current team. He helped us set goals and how to be realistic about our sales process, even without a salesperson. After meeting with Brandon, I feel much more confident that we can take on sales and we can do it strategically and it will help our bottom line. Thanks, Brandon!

Book a Free Call

Each Small Axe package is tailored to each client. This free 30 minute introductory call is an opportunity for me to learn more about your business and provide a custom scope and service quote.

Let's take the first step toward more sales together!

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